ABC Parish Playgroup

Run by an enthusiastic and dedicated team of parish volunteers, the ABC Playgroup allows us to reach out to the local community and offers a welcoming and engaging space for babies, toddlers & pre-schoolers accompanied by their parent(s) and/or carers.

Playgroup Opening Hours: Tuesdays 10-11.30am in term-time in the church hall.

Parish Playgroup Coordinator: Mrs Clara Vildosola

Playgroup Entry Fee: £3 per family, to include refreshments and plenty of toys for the toddlers to play with.

Please see below extract from the Playgroup Guidelines which are posted in full in the church hall at every session:

  •  Please sign the register when you arrive each week, and include both your own name and your child(ren)’s name(s).

  •  You are responsible for your own children at all times. We kindly ask that you do not leave your children unattended while at the ABC Playgroup.

  • Please be particularly careful with hot drinks. Do not leave teas or coffees unattended or where children might be able to reach them.

  • Should your child have any infectious illness they should not attend the playgroup until they are fully recovered. This is particularly important for chicken pox and for children with cold/flu symptoms.

    Thank you for your cooperation and we wish you and your children a happy time at the ABC Playgroup.

If you have any questions about the playgroup please contact Julia Muirhead in the parish office: / 020 8940 3101.