Anointing of the Sick

‘The Lord himself showed great concern for the bodily and spiritual welfare of the sick and commanded his followers to do likewise. This is clear from the gospels, and above all from the existence of the sacrament of anointing, which he instituted and which is made known in the Letter of James. Since then the Church has never ceased to celebrate this sacrament for its members by the anointing and the prayer of its priests, commending those who are ill to the suffering and glorified Lord, that he may raise them up and save them (see James 5:14-16). Moreover, the Church exhorts them to associate themselves willingly with the passion and death of Christ (see Romans 8:17), and thus contribute to the welfare of the people of God.

The celebration of this sacrament consists especially in the laying on of hands by the priests of the Church, the offering of the prayer of faith, and the anointing of the sick with oil made holy by God’s blessing. This rite signifies the grace of the sacrament and confers it.’ (Pastoral Care of the Sick, 5).

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion regularly visit the sick and housebound with Holy Communion, as does the Parish Priest. The Parish Priest is always willing to visit, too, for the anointing of the sick. Please do let the Parish know of any housebound parishioners who would like a visit.

The Society of St Vincent de Paul organises an annual Mass with the anointing of the sick. Please see the weekly newsletter for details.

Going into Hospital – Important Information   It is no longer the case that hospitals will ask you your religion and would you like a visit from a priest.  You must make it known to the hospital if you wish to receive a visit from the priest/ deacon/extraordinary minister assigned to the hospital. Families of patients also need to be aware of this where the family member is unable to request the presence of a priest.  All hospitals have a dedicated full-time priest chaplain or a rota of priests who visit on a regular basis.

Please speak to the Parish Priest or contact the Parish Office with any enquiries: / 020 8940 3101.